Macmillan Charity Partner launch 2-2

Our Charity Work

Learn more about our charity work. 

Macmillan Cancer Support was voted for by thousands of First Bus colleagues to be our charity partner until 2026.

When the partnership began in June 2023, we donated an initial sum of £10k. Over the next three years, we will fundraise through co-ordinated coffee mornings in aid of the charity’s 'Find the Words' campaign - which promotes the use of cancer support services to men of working age.

While men represent 52% of cancer cases, only 38% of the calls to Macmillan’s Support Line come from men*.

This means many of them are missing out on getting the support they need. Macmillan want to encourage more men to talk about their cancer experience and seek support.  

First Bus will match fund all monies raised by colleagues across the business throughout the course of the three-year partnership.

Find out more about Macmillan Cancer Support here: 
